9 to 10 May 2024, Nis, Serbia
Dear Friends,
The International Congress of Coloproctology in Niš, Constantin Days of Coloproctology, gathered over 220 participants from Mexico, the United Kingdom, Spain, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Republic of Srpska. In 13 sessions, with outstanding panel discussions and live surgery broadcasts from the New UKC Operating Room, essential knowledge in the field of colorectal diseases was acquired, experiences were exchanged, young doctors were educated, and good fellowship was enjoyed.
Once again, it was demonstrated that our beautiful city of Niš, the University Clinical Center, the Medical Faculty of the University of Niš, the Clinic for Digestive Surgery of UKC Niš, together with the Surgical Section of the Serbian Medical Society, the Society of Coloproctologists of Yugoslavia, and the Medical Academy of the Serbian Medical Society, organized an expert meeting and were, as always, excellent hosts for all our guests.
See you in 2026 !
The Fifth International Congress of Coloproctology “Constantine Days”, by decision of the Health Council of the Republic of Serbia, number 153-02-94/2024-01 dated March 11, 2024, has been accredited as an International Congress.
Number of points for speakers: 15
Number of points for passive participation: 10
The Fifth International Congress of Coloproctology “Constantine Days” has been accredited as an International Congress.
(alphabetical order)
Dr. Amjad Parvaiz is a visiting consultant surgeon at Poole NHS Foundation Trust in the UK and is Head of the Laparoscopic and Robotic Colorectal Unit at the Champalimaud Foundation in Lisbon, Portugal. He holds a personal chair at the University of Portsmouth affiliated with the Faculty of Health Science in Portsmouth, UK. He is also Director and Founding Member of the European Academy of Robotic Colorectal Surgery (EARCS) since 2014
Associate Professor of Surgery. From 1993 to date he has been working as head of the colorectal surgical department at Vienna university hospital and obtained teaching qualification for surgery in 1994. Furthermore he is in charge of the postgraduate training for surgery within the Austrian Medical Society. Since October 2003 he has been holding the position as deputy head of the department of general surgery at Vienna University Hospital.
Mr Miskovic's surgical practice also involves other aspects of general and colorectal surgery, such as proctology. He offers a wide range of surgical procedures for the treatment of anal fistula, hernia, pilonidal disease, prolapse and haemorrhoids.
Dr Miskovic completed his surgical training in Zurich, Switzerland, before relocating to the UK in 2007. After training as a registrar in Surrey and completing his PhD in London, he underwent extensive subspecialist training in minimally-invasive surgery as a fellow at the Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth. After training at some of the best colorectal units in the country, he was appointed as an Associate Professor and Consultant Surgeon at the University of Leeds and St James’ University Hospital in Leeds. He attends to the needs of patients in both the public and private health care sectors.
Digestive system surgery (esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, anus, gallbladder),
Oncologic surgery (cancer, sarcoma),
Abdominal wall hernia surgery,
Laparoscopic surgery.
Senior physician at the department of general surgery at Vienna University hospital, consultant physician in internal medicine and oncology. She is the author of several books on diet and nutrition giving useful recommendations for developing a healthy diet helping to increase the body’s recovery process after chemotherapy. Any reader will enjoy her practical, real-life approach to incorporating changes.
Specialty in General Surgery National Autonomous University of Mexico.
Specialty in Coloproctology (Colon, rectum and anus) National Autonomous University of Mexico
Mr. Nunoo-Mensah is a highly experienced and highly qualified colorectal surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic in London with extensive expertise in colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, pelvic floor disorders, and advanced proctology including complicated fistulae and haemorrhoids. In addition, he has been appointed to serve as Chairman of the Conflict of Interest Committee at Cleveland Clinic London, and is a member of the Medical Executive Council there as well.
He graduated in medical sciences from Vilnius University, Lithuania, but even while still studying he started working at one of the biggest Lithuanian Red Cross hospitals (now Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Clinic, www.santa.lt) and worked there for 15 years.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Complex Abdominal Wall Hernias, Crohn's Disease, General Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Laparoscopic Procedures (Keyhole Surgery), Colonoscopy, Bowel Cancer, Pelvic Floor Disorders, Constipation, Haemorrhoids, Anal Fistula, Anal fissure, Ulcerative Colitis, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Faecal Incontinence, Rectal Prolapse, Inguinal Hernia, Gallstones.
Mr Andrejevic is a surgeon with more than 10years of experience in Laparoscopic Colorectal and Emergency Surgery.
He has been at the forefront in the introduction of minimally invasive techniques in Malta, mainly colorectal resections, emergency laparoscopic colon and gall bladder resections, as well as abdominal wall hernia surgery.
(alphabetical order)
Dr Aleksandar Karamarković je specijalista opšte hirurgije. Profesor je na Katedri hirurgije i anesteziologije Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, kao i šef nastavne baze - Klinika za hirurgiju "Nikola Spasić", Univerzitetskog kliničkog centra "Zvezdara", čiji je i direktor. Član je Američkog koledža hirurga, kao i Ruske Akademije prirodnih nauka.
Novi Sad
Vanredni profesor Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, specijalista opšte hirurgije, subspecijalista digestivne hirurgije, primarijus i stalni sudski veštak imenovan od strane Ministarstva zdravlja Republike Srbije, upravnik Klinike za abdominalnu, endokrinu i transplantacionu hirurgiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu, instruktor na trenažnim kursevima iz laparoskopskih procedura Odbora za kontinuiranu medicinsku edukaciju Društva lekara Vojvodine Srpskog lekarskog društva, sekretar hirurške sekcije DLV SLD i sekretar Društva koloproktologa Jugoslavije.
of. dr Dejan Radenković je specijalista opšte hirurgije sa subspecijalizacijom iz urgentne hirurgije iz Beograda. Zaposlen je na Klinici za digestivnu hirurgiju, kao i u privatnoj praksi. Profesor je na katedri Hirurgija na Medicinskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Tokom svoje dugogodišnje karijere, usavršavao se u brojnim uglednim klinikama u Nemačkoj, Austriji, Velikoj Britaniji i Americi.
Prof. dr Dejan Radenković je jedan od vodećih stručnjaka za lečenje bolesti pankreasa u našoj zemlji.
Doc. dr Danijel Galun je specijalista opšte hirurgije sa dugogodišnjim radnim iskustvom. Svoje profesionalno radno iskustvo stekao je radom u privatnim i državnim ustanovama.
Uže oblasti delovanja su mu hepatobilijarna i hirurgija pankreasa kao i hirurgija jetre.
Dr Galun uspešno primenjuje TACE – transarterijsku hemoembolizaciju jetre kod pacijenata koji nažalost nisu kandidati za resekciju jetre.
Pored svoje svakodnevne lekarske prakse bavi se i pedagoškim radom. Docent je na katedri hirurgije sa anesteziologijom na Medicinskom fakultetu u Beogradu.
Rođen u Beogradu, 4. oktobra 1965. godine, gde je završio osnovno i srednje obrazovanje sa
odličnim uspehom, kao đak Osme Beogradske gimnazije.
Zaposlen na Klinici za digestivnu hirurgiju KCS od 1995. godine i kao asistent na Katedri Hirurgije
sa anesteziologijom od 20. 09. 2006 godine.
MD, PhD, colorectal Surgeon, Head of Colorectal Department Clinic for general Surgery at Clinical Center Nis.
President of the Organizing Committee
Rođen u Beogradu, 14. jula 1976. godine, gde je završio osnovno i srednje obrazovanje sa odličnim uspehom. Zaposlen na Klinici za digestivnu hirurgiju KCS od 2006.
godine i kao klinički asistent na Katedri Hirurgije sa anesteziologijom od 20. 09. 2015. godine.
Svoja znanja iz napredne laparoskopske hirurgije benignih i malignih bolesti kolona i rektuma dr Krdžić je usavršavao u Beaujon Hospital-u u Parizu kod profesora Yves Panisa.
Dr Janić je načelnik koloproktološkog odeljenja Opšte bolnice u Pančevu. Specijalizaciju iz opšte hirurgije, završio je na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu 1991. godine. Nakon toga, 2001. Godine, na I hirurškoj klinici pod vođstvom Prof. Dr Kecmanovića završava subspecijalizaciju iz koloproktologije,. Postdiplomske studije, kompletirao je na Univerzitetu „St. Marks“ u Londonu 1997. godine. Kao gostujući hirurg, posetio je Nacionalni onkološki centar u Tokiju, Kliniku „Cleveland clinical foundation“, „MD Anderson Cancer Center“, „Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center“, kao i „National Research Center of Surgery“ u Moskvi. Hirurške radionice u Pančevu osnovao je i započeo 2002. godine. U sklopu ove manifestacije, čiji je sada direktor, prikazuju se uživo snimci sa operacija, kao i lekcije koje drže vodeći stručnjaci iz sveta kolorektalne hirurgije. Od 2013, izvodi laparoskopske operacije na kolonu i rektumu, pod budnim okom prof. Parvaiza. Do sada je uradio preko 130 laparoskopskih resekcija kolona i rektuma.
oc. dr Miljan Ćeranić je specijalista opšte hirurgije, proktolog, sa dugogodišnjim radnim iskustvom. Svoje profesionalno radno iskustvo stekao je radom u privatnim i državnim ustanovama.
Uže oblasti delovanja dr Ćeranića su laparaskopsko i klasično lečenje oboljenja kolona i rektuma.
Školske 1978/79 upisao Medicinski fakultet u Nišu. Diplomirao na Medicinskom fakultetu u Beogradu avgusta meseca 1985. godine. Kao student novembra 1983. godine počeo sa volonterskim radom na II Hirurškoj klinici UKC u Beogradu, posle obaveznog lekarskog staža obavljenog u Domu zdravlja Boris Kidrič –Savki Venac. Od 1988 godine radi na Prvoj hirurškoj gde i sada radi.
Rođen u Beogradu 1971. godine. Osnovnu i srednju školu završio u Beogradu sa odličnim uspehom. Po završetku srednje škole upisao je Medicinski fakultet u Beogradu, koji je završio u školskoj 1996/97 godini sa prosekom 8,05. Naredne godine je završio pripravnički staž u Kliničkom centru Srbije. Po polaganju pripravničkog ispita, za oblast specijalizacije na matičnom fakultetu je odabrao opštu hirurgiju i položio je specijalistički ispit 2003. godine. Tokom studija, ali i po završetku istih, učestvovao je u izradi više naučno-istraživačkih radova kao autor i koautor.
The Fifth International Symposium od Coloproctology
Chairs: Velimir Marković, Miljan Ćeranić
Chairs: Evangelos Xynos, Milan Breberina
Chairs: Dejan Radenković, Borisav Toskovic, Milan Radojković
Chairs: Evangelos Xynos, Branković Branko
Chairs: Predrag Andrejević, Zoran Radovanović
Chairs: Juan Antonio Villanueva Herrero , Valeriu Surlin
Chairs: Milica Nestorovic, Valeriu Surlin,
Chairs: Béla Teleky, Tomáš Skřička
Vozda Karadjordja 12
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